Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Is it ever okay to be selfish?

I am sitting in my living room, pouting like a five year old. I only hope it is okay to feel this way....

See, Mario has a pretty much full time job now. He has worked at the same location since the end of January. He really likes it and they seem to love him. He has made a close friend and things are finally falling into place in his life.

Today, I got out of school, and for the first time in about two months didn't have to run into work. I came home and did whatever I wanted. Well, actually, I worked on my taxes, but you get my drift. After the taxes, I put on Julie & Julia to relax. As I believe I've mentioned before, that movie makes me appreciate Mario more than words can describe. The men are depicted as such strong supporting forces. Neither woman would have accomplished half of their successes without their man's support. This is a HUGE statment coming from me.

So, I'm watching this movie, missing Mario and counting down the minutes until he will be home sharing this moment. He though, decided to go out for drinks with some guys from the office. And I'm sad.

Now, if I stop for a moment I can recognize that he probably would not enjoy the moment as much as I do. And clearly this is just me being selfish. I just look forward to the little time we get together. I look forward to the little moments that we are home together...the times I'm not working and we can laugh or just see each other.

Its fine. I feel better simply letting it out. And don't worry, he won't ever see this. He doesn't read the blog. :) I do promise to post soon on some of the ridiculous stuff I've been up to. Mario even took video of us trying to flambe some lobster. Ha!


  1. Well, I'm definitely happy for both of you that he has a full-time job!!! YAY! And, no, you're not being selfish. Maybe you got used to him being there whenever you were...? But look at it this way, you get some time off to yourself without anyone there and I think that's always a nice feeling - to have a little time to yourself, just by yourself - even though you love being with Mario!

  2. Dez!!! I finally found the link to your blog, Woohoo! You and Mario seem to be extremely busy. But whenever I talk to you guys it seems that you are always on a date or hanging out. I'd say take the free time and relax. Have some "you" time, like you did by watching Julie & Julia. Come on, do you think Mario would really enjoy sitting there watching that movie. Granted I'm sure he'd do it just for you, but I'm thinking BEERFEST would be more enjoyable for him. =)

    I'm glad to hear that Mario is doing well at work and that things are falling into place with him.

    I keep saying this, but I swear I will be out there to visit you guys. Hopefully sooner than later. Look forward to the pics and hopefully the video of you guys cooking lobster.
