Saturday, June 27, 2009

Vicksburg, Mississippi

On the way to Memphis, I navigated my pilot a little out of the ways to Vicksburg, Mississippi (only about an hour round trip but that's nothing when driving cross country). As frustrated as he was, I had my reasons. 1. I really wanted to add another state to the map and couldn't do it until we stopped & 2. I really wanted to see a civil war re-enactment. So, off to Vicksburg we went. The only problem is it was 115 degrees, plus humidity. Mario and I mastered what we have now named "drive thru tourism." You simply drive up to the monument and snap your photo in the car. If you get good at it, you don't even have to roll the window down. The tour could take up to 6 hours if you allowed. We managed to do it in about an hour. Much more efficient and MUCH cooler. However, if you are a history buff (Ben), I would highly recommend it in a cooler season.

I'm really glad we went. It was incredible to see the battlefields and vessels used. It was also interesting to see things through the eyes of the South. The stories told and monuments definitely rooted for the South to win and portrayed them as the victim. I have learned a lot on this road trip. I promise we will do a whole blog on that after it is all said and done. But for now, it has been unreal learning more about our country's history. I was the first to hop on a plane to explore Europe. But there is so much to see here. So much more than I ever believed.

Vicksburg was fun. It was fun to see the the old civil war sites and see all of the monuments erected in honor of the war. The really fun part was when Des became a Care Bear (we won't go into details, but it was pretty funny). That's everything we did in Vicksburg, so nothing much to write about. After about an hour of doing our drive through tourism, we headed back towards Memphis.

More to come from Tennessee,

Looks like ladies are cheap in Mississippi on Wednesday

Battle Grounds

Depiction of the caves they used in battle

Illinois memorial

Ohio memorial

Cemetary on-site- most of these were unknown soldiers

View of Mississippi river banks

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